“I wouldn’t call this
session creative writing and poetry I would call it freethinking”
Thursday 18th
February saw Suriya Roberts-Grey lead a Creative Writing and Poetry workshop as
part of New Shoes Get Started at mac birmingham.
The group were
introduced to Spoken Word Poetry, some for the first time, and then asked to
write and perform their own pieces using their own experiences and opinions. Many
of the group admitted that they weren’t given enough opportunities to think
freely and said that they enjoyed it very much.
“The best bit was being
given time to think & express how I feel about what goes on in life”
“I enjoyed it, today got
me stress free and not thinking about bad stuff”
“It has been
inspiring and has made me want to write about my feelings more”
Everyone who took part
felt as though they gained something from the session.
“I left with my own piece
of spoken word poetry that I created!”
“It got me to think
about how I can say what I’m thinking in a positive way”
“It was well put
together and very positive, thank you”
From the reaction of the
participants, it’s clear that the arts can be used to effect change within people…
and possibly even the world. Well done everyone.
If you’d like to get involved in New
Shoes Get Started please visit our website.